ASSOCIATION « LES FLAMANTS « Lattes, october 10th 2009
Lac des Rêves
34970 LATTES
Téléphone : 06-70-28-16-90
Minutes of the meeting of 29/09/2009 with the management of Le Lac Des Rêves
Siblu: Director of Camping, Mr Darren Schuller
Association Les Flamants: Chairman, Mr Edmond Lerch and
Vice President, Mr Domingues Jacques.
Subject: Review of the 2009 season and other matters
1. Preamble
The points, and the resulting discussion, takes into account the paper prepared by our new UK Commissioner,
Mr Martyn Wood MH 565 (summary of problems identified by our UK friends). We take this opportunity to welcome the new UK representative and commend Michael Cooper who has done an excellent job in this position.
Thank you also to those who have sent us their comments on the current season and other suggestions.
2. Points raised
The effective screening of entry is always a difficult problem to solve without causing blockages at the entrance area. Lack of control of the entrance to the pool has increased the number of unwanted visitors, never short of tricks for entering the campsite.
The past winter has had its share of vandalism (6 MH in one night!), Hope that this winter it will not be the same.
Do not encourage thieves, do not leave valuables!
Green Spaces
Efforts in this area should continue. Attention must be paid to the maintenance of trees and their risk of falling.
Siblu is aware of the problem and has ordered an expertise for the situation. Especially the Pinède, which is part of
the charm of our campsite, must be preserved at all costs. We remind everyone that owners who wish to maintain their plots must inform the owner’s reception/office. It is obvious that maintenance (ground and hedges) must be in accordance with the current regulations.
The pool, however, is a major concern of owners and has been the subject of considerable criticism. The daily screening period at the pool entry covered only part of the opening time. These non screened periods were well
known by people living in the camp vicinity and this led evidently to an overcrowded pool.
The over-population was such, that it became difficult or impossible to maintain a minimum of discipline.
The frequent absence of the person in charge contributed to this deplorable situation.
The Association considers that owners could not benefit normally from this service, however essential.
There is always a need to improve:
• shoe storage,
• fixing the security gate,
• the capacity of parking for bicycles
• increase the number of blue sun-loungers and add some chairs which take much less space.
Due to lack of funds, expansion works are no longer on the agenda.
The evening entertainment was considered average. The organization or rather lack of organization in the area before the stage has been criticized for lack of chairs, no staging to improve visibility etc..
Celine, head of children's clubs should be commended for his work.
In these times of tight budget there is a question of the level of interest in bringing in many bands when Concerts were poorly attended. The same question could be raised for the fireworks mid August when we benefit from other fireworks around us. The daytime entertainment was also good and the Association wishes to further develop synergies with Siblu for these events (sporting events, games, brasoucade ...).
The Children’s Clubs are, as always, excellent, an improvement would be to review the various age groups and see if it is possible to insert intermediate age groups. Whilst the idea is good it is recognised that the budget for this service is not very extensible.
Restaurant, Shop
Good performance of the shop in quantitative and qualitative level, but service leaves something to be desired dependent on the staff present. The broken down air conditioning throughout the high season (it is still unrepaired) does not encourage people to go.
For the restaurant, very variable level of service, particularly in the kitchen, this comment is unchanged from year to year. Corrective action is indispensable for the 2010 season if this restaurant, yet superbly located, wants to keep the customers from the campsite.
Nuisances were many, first related to the many visitors and some holidaymakers who believe that “anything goes” on vacation. The evolution of leisure camping to an ordinary camping seems inevitable. In season, evening surveillance at the Pinède is still insufficient and let excesses of all kinds take place. The idea is to send young people into the lake area after the bar closed by installing tables and benches. These youth also have a tendency to squat in the children’s playground.
However, if you experience a significant nuisance, please call the emergency number Siblu
We take this opportunity to remind everyone of citizenship so that it is of great vacation for everyone, this approach is resulting in a certain tolerance and respect for others (grabbing of sun-loungers at the pool, respecting disabled parking areas, garbage, cleanliness / security and dogs etc..).
We also want to remind all that each owner is directly and contractually responsible for his children, his guests, his pets and his tenants.
Siblu has established a website making it possible to know at any time the weather situation at Le Lac Des Reves
“ www.m2ing.com/meteo/siblu_ldr/stationmeteo.htm”.
A comprehensive study of the hydrology of our campsite was mandated by Siblu to start work to improve the
run-off of rainwater. This work should primarily improve the flow of water in the “roubine” skirting the campsite along the side of Pérols. This will limit the flooding and duration of standing water during continuous heavy rain.
Most of the campsite is located in red zone on the Lattes Plan of Prevention of Risks and in case of heavy flooding due to a significant rise in the river Lez, it will be necessary to comply with the directives of the administration relayed by Siblu. The apparent calm today should not make us lower our guard.
Siblu Works
The current financial crisis freezes all major improvement work, budgets are allocated only to the difficult maintenance of what already exists.
2010 Park Contracts
The increase in contract because 2010 is around 100 Euros for all owners and contract dispatch will start by mid October. This increase of about 2% is certainly reasonable, but each year it is above the inflation in the cost of materials and services (estimates <1% for 2009).
We have requested the opportunity to spread the payment over the year or at least the 9 months of opening. This was denied because Siblu does not want to track and recover payments each month. One of our arguments was that such a monthly payment could better reflect the changing exchange rate of the pound. Siblu is aware of this problem, and has made a gesture for our UK friends, using an exchange rate much more favourable than the current market.
The opening period of the Camp in 2010, as in other years, extends from early February until mid November. Services gradually starting from April and will close gradually between September and October.
To further motivate and improve the sorting of bottles, notices on sorting and locating bins "glass" is improving. We must take care with the bins that are overflowing and give an unhealthy appearance to the campsite. This subject, whether sorting the bulky waste or simply conventional waste gives evidence of the widespread antisocial behaviour of contemporary society.
This point hardly seems to improve, the main culprits are as in the past, the Siblu personnel, the various deliverymen and obviously the holiday makers. lt would be necessary to set up an electronic panel showing the speed of the vehicle with its registration number. This makes it possible to complain by having accurate information, and to even be able to show the photograph of the panel showing the speed.
Wi fi
The Wi Fi works poorly, the flow is very low and has an unreliable connection. We want to improve the technical system and tariff. The packages are very expensive in view of the service. The current trend is that such a service, indispensable to modern society, is free.
EDF Meters
The time has long gone for wasting resources and extremely logically Siblu wishes that everyone should be able to better control the electrical consumption and especially to prevent a situation where it is everyone which pays for the wasting of some. The operation should be set up quickly and the installation of meters completed by early 2010 season. Detailed arrangements are not finalised yet but these will displayed by Siblu so as not to exploit the situation and not to increase the price of contracts for 'reasonable' consumers.
If already installed, meters should be checked early in the 2010 season to make sure the counter is set to 0 and they should be regularly monitored to avoid any dispute with Siblu.
We draw the attention of Siblu, as a large consumer of energy that it is essential to lead by example by installing energy efficient light bulbs and avoiding waste.
For those who do not really understand this rather technical matter, do not worry, just be sure to monitor your electricity consumption and waste.
This topic as usual brings its own batch of concerns, usually compensated by a good income. It should be known that the serenity described in the beautiful Siblu booklet is obviously not realistic. The difference between damage and normal wear should be clarified, avoiding different interpretations of the inventory.
For those who wish to keep an impeccable MH, the only possible solution is obvious.
3. Conclusion
As always, constructive dialogue with the management of the Park and the goodwill shown by the different people would produce more visible effects if the campsite was not suffering from a severe lack of resources and budget.
We urge you, as always to fill in the questionnaire at the end of the season, which will also help improve the quality of life on our site.
For compliance aspects, the Departmental Committee did not come back to inspect the campsite this year, but we must continue to follow carefully all the constraints and especially those related to the terraces.
4. Off Meeting
We take this opportunity to thank you for supporting us and, despite the many departures, we have 250 members for the 2009 season.
In addition we benefited from the visit of Mr. Leslie Hurst (chairman of Siblu) to our Camp-site to alert him to our concerns. The newspaper NR 9 of Association was given to him personally and was used as a basis for a frank and friendly discussion. The ironic question from Mr. Hurst was that “all in all you want to run Sibiu”,
we answered “of course not, we want simply to help you to remain honest”.
Please reserve your availability for the AGM on Sunday, April 18, 2010 (notice and agenda will be sent to you in March 2010). This Assembly will be very important as ever, the main objective is to involve more people in our Association.
To close the season, we invite all owners to a friendly meal.
Restaurant "Domaine de la Fangouse" in Lattes on Thursday noon October 29, price 20 € and 10 € children.
Register before October 23 with the Association or tel / Rochetaux or see Paula / MH 262.
Main Menu is paella with drinks as you wish
Hope to see you fit and well on this occasion or at our General Assembly
We also wish to take this opportunity to offer our best wishes for next Christmas and for New Year 2010.
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